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See estimated emissions footprints for your Berkeley neighborhood
A map using data from UC Berkeley researchers looks at which parts of Berkeley tend to generate more of the greenhouse gasses behind climate change.
101-year-old Berkeley Holocaust survivor feels ‘profound obligation’ to speak against hate
Ben Stern has survived nine concentration camps and two death marches and led protests against American Nazis. He tells his story in a new memoir.
Anti-Zionist Jewish activists claim credit for billboard defacement
Three billboards in Berkeley and Oakland defining anti-Zionism as antisemitism were defaced by a group of Jewish activists who say Zionism is racist against Palestinians.
Her puppy died after eating a mushroom in Codornices Park. Now, she’s warning others
Two of the world’s deadliest mushrooms are common in Berkeley. A veterinary hospital on University Avenue said it sees about 20 suspect pet poisonings every year.