As the end of the semester nears, striking academic workers’ absence is felt by students and researchers. A small group of picketers are attempting to slow down business as usual.
UC Berkeley protests
Opinion: How Berkeley is housing the people of People’s Park
There is a humanitarian crisis on our streets. I deeply believe that the best way to honor the legacy of People’s Park is to invest in the resources necessary to turn the tide on that crisis.
Protesters tear down fences at Berkeley rally to save People’s Park
With echoes of People’s Park’s legacy of resistance, protesters reacted Friday to UC Berkeley taking the first steps towards developing the land for student housing.
Berkeley antiwar organizers separate fact from fiction in ‘The Trial of the Chicago 7’
The Nexflix movie has provoked reactions both positive and negative in Berkeley where many people involved in the anti-war movement, and the trial at the heart of the film, live.
From garden to fenced-in lot to shots fired in Berkeley: People’s Park on May 15, 1969
One bystander was killed, one was permanently blinded, and many others were hurt when police forces used lethal buckshot to corral demonstrators in at the park, newly created on UC Berkeley land, 50 years ago today.
11 years of radical thought and action in Berkeley led to creation of People’s Park
Dozens of protests in support of civil rights, the student movement in France, the Black Panther movement and against the UC Regents set the stage for the creation of the Southside Berkeley park.
Berkeleyside’s Frances Dinkelspiel wins SPJ excellence award for longform story on Milo Yiannopoulos
‘One day, one night: The fuse that lit the Battles of Berkeley’ is a 12,000-word oral history crafted by Frances Dinkelspiel that tells a story through the voices of those who were there.
Judge dismisses $23M lawsuit linked to Berkeley protest against Milo Yiannopoulos
Neither UC Berkeley nor city of Berkeley officials could have withheld police protection from Kiara Robles because of her political beliefs or sexuality, the judge ruled.
May 30, 1969: The final scene in the powerful first act of Berkeley’s People’s Park
On the 49th anniversary of the largest protest marches Berkeley has likely ever seen, Tom Dalzell recalls a day when Berkeley demonstrated “moral outrage” in abundance.
In Berkeley: The People’s Park (1968) before People’s Park (1969)
Everybody knows about the People’s Park created in 1969, when thousands of students, activists, and neighbors worked to establish the place. Few know about an earlier park.
4 sue UC Berkeley, others, for lack of police response during Milo event
Those suing say that police hid inside the MLK Student Union instead of protecting people from the violence perpetrated by black-clad demonstrators.
Young protesters voice support for DACA at BAMN rally on Cal campus
Students from a charter high school in San Jose traveled to Cal Monday to attend a small rally for immigrant rights organized by BAMN.