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Posted inArts

Big Screen Berkeley: Wiseman’s ‘In Jackson Heights’

In Jackson Heights, Frederick Wiseman’s latest documentary, opens in Berkeley Friday, Frederick Wiseman’s latest documentary, opens in Berkeley Friday Three hours, eight minutes and thirty-one seconds: that’s the amount of time you’ll devote to In Jackson Heights (opening at Rialto Cinemas Elmwood on Friday, Dec. 18, the new feature from documentarian Frederick Wiseman. Is it […]

Posted inArts

Big Screen Berkeley: Experimenter; Amazing Nina Simone

Experimenter opens Friday at Landmark’s Shattuck Cinema. Experimenter opens Friday at Landmark’s Shattuck Cinema. Long time readers are familiar with my biopic rant by now. Regardless of the occasional exception (I’m still looking at you, Hannah Arendt), Seal’s First Law of Cinema states emphatically that biopics turn the lives of the most remarkable people into […]