Berkeley voters will get a say on city housing, homelessness and infrastructure on Nov. 6.
Election 2018 ballot measures
Berkeley’s Measure R: ‘Vision 2050’ aims to tackle climate change, failing infrastructure
This advisory measure will help the city establish priorities for infrastructure work and responses to climate change.
Big money is flowing in to support and oppose measures O and P, AD15 race
Companies that build affordable housing are pouring funds into support of the O and P measures, Realtors are opposing the proposed property transfer tax hike and Wicks is outspending Beckles in the AD15 race.
Berkeley mayor makes case for tax measures O and P, hits resistance
Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín hit the campaign trail last week to urge voters to support tax measures O and P to raise money for affordable housing and homeless services. He met with a tough crowd.
Berkeley puts rent-control update measure on November ballot
The City Council approved a November ballot measure determining how Berkeley will respond if Costa Hawkins is repealed.
Berkeley to put $135M affordable housing bond on November ballot
Berkeley voters are set to have a chance in November to consider a $135 million bond measure officials hope will create more affordable housing in the city to fight displacement.
Berkeley prepares for potential repeal of Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act
Which properties would become rent-controlled after a repeal, and which would be exempt? Berkeley voters could make the call in November.