Berkeley should revise the Adeline Plan and Draft EIR to include a two-lane option on Adeline Street and more housing along the corridor and at Ashby BART.
Betsy Thagard
Opinion: Berkeley neighbors call for housing and climate action
The group is seeking action to dramatically reduce transportation emissions and improve affordability, through revisions to Berkeley’s housing policy.
Opinion: Allowing more units in residential neighborhoods will help the housing crunch and reduce greenhouse gases
Berkeley is unaffordable for teachers, office workers city staff — those called the “missing middle.” Berkeley should approve a study that looks at how to put more units in areas now reserved for single-family homes.
Opinion: Lorin District residents must demand economic development the neighborhood deserves
A group of neighbors has formed South Berkeley Now! to promote transit-oriented, low-income and service-enriched housing in the neighborhood along Adeline Street in South Berkeley.
Opinion: Bringing affordable housing to Ashby BART will enhance South Berkeley
The Adeline Corridor and Ashby BART station can become the community assets that neighbors deserve. It’s been fifty years in the making.