Berkeley could soon choose an official city motto, song and flag. It’s an idea that Councilmember Ben Bartlett, who is leading the effort, hopes will spark civic pride and provide a fun way for people to think about what makes their city special.
Before that official process, we thought it would be fun to ask Berkeleyside readers if they have any suggestions for civic symbols.
Use the form below to send us your ideas for a city flag, whether you draw it with crayon or fancy design software. If you like, you can follow these rules from the North American Vexillological Association — such as “keep it simple” and “use two or three basic colors” — or be like Milwaukee and throw them out the window.
Sing us your own tune about Berkeley, or send us the song you think best represents the community.
Propose a motto to capture the city’s essence — just know that “Welcome to Berkeley, now stop doing that” has already been suggested.
We can’t promise your flag will ever fly outside City Hall, or that your motto will be stamped on the city seal (a symbol another councilmember has mused about changing). But we’d love to see your suggestions and share them with readers in a future post.
Featured photo: Nancy Rubin